Part Collection

Basic parts

Part numberDescriptionSize
BBa_K4380000CBD (cellulose binding domain)New492 bp
BBa_K4380001OmpA signaling sequenceNew60 bp
BBa_K4380002e-EPITOPENew39 bp
BBa_K4380003mutated LCI peptideNew141 bp
BBa_K4380004mutated TA2 peptideNew132 bp
BBa_K438000517x HelixNew51 bp
BBa_K4380006ep-PCR Fw primerNew21 bp
BBa_K4380007ep-PCR Rv primerNew20 bp
BBa_K4380008pACYC184 forward primerNew21 bp
BBa_K4380009pACYC184 reverse primerNew20 bp
BBa_K4380010mScarlet reporter proteinNew699 bp
BBa_K4380011eGFP reporter proteinNew720 bp
BBa_K2694001EstA from Pseudomonas aeruginosaExisting1943 bp

Composite parts

Part numberDescriptionSize
BBa_K4380014EstA protein cell surface display systemNew2172 bp
BBa_K4380015CBD and LCI peptide fusion proteinNew700 bp
BBa_K4380016eGFP and LCI peptide fusion proteinNew928 bp
BBa_K4380017CBD and TA2 peptide fusion proteinNew691 bp
BBa_K4380018eGFP and TA2 peptide fusion proteinNew903 bp
BBa_K4380019EstA protein cell surface display system with mutated LCI peptideNew2264 bp
BBa_K4380020EstA protein cell surface display system with mutated TA2 peptideNew2255 bp
BBa_K4380021CBD with C terminal E-epitopeNew582 bp
BBa_K4380022CBD with C terminal TEV siteNew543 bp

Part collection

We have created an extensive part collection in which each piece has a different specific function, however, they all consolidate for the common purpose of creating a flexible and precise nanoplastic detection system.

First, with precise measurements and thorough characterization, we annotated four main parts, which comprise our detection system:

These 4 parts were the main building block of our system and with precise measurements and characterization, we were able to utilize these parts for specific nanoplastic binding.

Although using known peptides for a detection system already is a huge challenge in itself, we wanted to characterize novel peptides and create huge peptide libraries, which could be used for specific plastic binding in our detection system. Therefore, we decided to do a peptide evolution, specifically designed for plastic-binding peptides.

For this, we created several cell surface display systems, used for the direct evolution of our specific peptides:

  • BBa_K4380019 → EstA protein cell surface display system with mutated LCI peptide

  • BBa_K4380020 → EstA protein cell surface display system with mutated TA2 peptide

  • These two parts were successfully utilized to create peptide libraries. Although these parts can be used to specifically mutate our peptides, we created a universal system, based on the same protein:

  • BBa_K4380014 → EstA protein cell surface display system

  • These three cell surface display systems can be successfully amplified with novel error-prone PCR primers, who can be utilized for all of these systems:

  • BBa_K4380006 → epPCR forward primer

  • BBa_K4380007 → epPCR reverse primer

In conclusion, the annotated parts can be successfully used not only for creating a nanoplastic detection system from scratch but also can be utilized for the improvement of proteins, peptides or other parts by direct evolution approaches.
