Construction of the NanoFind system was carefully built upon good engineering practices to maximize the efficiency of the development process and quality of the final system. During the project, multiple iterative engineering cycles (design, build, test, learn) were executed to build a reliable system. These principles have allowed us to successfully build our proof-of-concept nanoplastic detection system. In the following page, these principles and steps are described in more detail.

Peptide detection
OverviewAfter learning about the increasing global problem of nanoplastic pollution, its harsh potential consequences and the current lack of detection tools, our team has decided to develop a robust, easy-to-use nanoplastics detection system that would open up new ways in solving this rising issue.
The first step after choosing our goal was to develop the concept for the NanoFind detection system. Our main priority while creating the strategy was to define some initial parameters of this tool. First, we understood that we need to create a relatively cheap detection platform, thus making the usage of such a system as wide as possible with minimal financial restrictions. Second, it was important that this test would be applicable for aqueous samples since nanoplastics can be found in different types of water. The last important aspect while creating the concept of the NanoFind diagnostic tool was to make it orthogonal - by enabling it to detect and differentiate frequently used plastics in real time.
With the aim to have a good starting point for our system, we did an in-depth research where we analyzed different detection systems that can detect various materials. We have selected binding peptides as the base for our concept system for two reasons. First, we have seen proof from literature that peptides have already gained traction for solving different detection problems and showed exceptional results in this field [1][2][3][4][5]. Secondly, there was fundamental research done describing how some peptides can distinct different plastics of interest with high affinity [6][7]. Due to these findings, we have decided to base our detection system NanoFind on peptides that would be specific to different plastics. We chose peptides LCI and TA2 [7][8] that can be successfully synthesized and tested in a laboratory as it was previously shown in literature.
We also needed to think of a way to get an output from a system. Ideally, this would be an output that could be easily measured with standard laboratory equipment. Fluorescence based methods fulfill such requirements. By keeping this in mind, we have included an immobilization unit and a fluorescent protein into our system concept.
Therefore, the final concept of the system was an immobilized peptide based assay with fluorescence output, capable of discriminating different nanoplastics found in various water samples.
Protein purification and testing
In order to test our detection system, we needed to successfully purify proteins, test their functionality, quantify domain activity and determine whether our peptide-domain fusion proteins are able to attach to plastics.
To see different iteration phases, click on the grey arrows below.For NanoFind system to work, our team designed several plastic binding peptide (PBP)-protein fusion proteins:
Cellulose binding domain + plastic binding peptide → for immobilization (Parts: BBa_K4380015, BBa_K4380017)
Green fluorescent protein + plastic binding peptide → for signal report (Parts: BBa_K4380016, BBa_K4380018)
These two proteins would form a "sandwich" complex - two plastic binding peptides would surround the nanoplastic particle, present in the water sample, detect and differentiate frequently used plastics in real time.
With the aim to test different concentrations of nanoplastic and the specificity of the detection tool, high purified protein amounts are needed. Proteins were modeled by using Alphafold, DNA sequences were optimized with Twist software. After synthesis, protein coding sequences were cloned into pet29b(+) plasmid expression vector:
CBD and LCI peptide fusion protein (CBD-LCI)
eGFP and LCI peptide fusion protein (eGFP-LCI)
CBD and TA2 peptide fusion protein (CBD-TA2)
eGFP and TA2 peptide fusion protein (eGFP-TA2)
After protein synthesis we found out that target peptides attached to the cellulose binding domain show different SDS-PAGE band lengths and our green fluorescent protein fusion proteins are mostly found in insoluble fraction. For this, we needed to optimize recombinant protein production and solubility by using different inductor concentrations, and changing growing conditions.
To obtain a high-yield expression of recombinant protein, the synthesis was performed by using E. coli BL21 (DE3) strain. Peptide-CBD fusion proteins showed sufficient recombinant protein synthesis, but some nonspecific bands were identified when analyzing SDS-PAGE gel image. In a meantime GFP-peptide fusion proteins showed low solubility and the majority of the protein formed inclusion bodies.
In this protein synthesis iteration we decided to test whether we can synthesize higher yield of soluble Peptide-CBD fusion proteins by using different protein synthesis platforms.
To test whether cellulose binding domain fusion with peptide proteins can be synthesized efficiently, we tested several protein expression strains, namely E. coli KRX, HSM174 and Arctic Express (DE3).
We optimized protein synthesis by changing bacterial growing conditions. During all these iterations we learnt that our CBD-TA2 fusion protein has a tendency to go through degradation, when the synthesis is performed for a longer duration. We have also identified that there was no significant difference between strains, when growing CBD-TA2 at the most optimal conditions: 2 hours at 37 °C after induction with 0,5 mM IPTG. After choosing the most optimal recombinant protein synthesis conditions, we upscaled biomass production and prepared it for further protein purification steps.
We tested all of these strains by growing our bacteria for 2 or 4 hours at 37 °C or 16 hours at 16 °C after induction, optimized the inductor concentration, different growth mediums and lysis buffer pH and its compositions.
After trying different protein synthesis optimization approaches, we saw that our protein sequence is lacking two essential amino acids that are needed for the correct folding as well as for the desired function of the protein - fluorescence.
After reviewing our strategy and target protein sequence,we changed the DNA sequence for this peptide fusion protein. The sequence was cloned into a plasmid vector (pet29b(+)) and the synthesis of the protein was carried out under similar conditions as it was mentioned previously.
With the new sequence, we have successfully synthesised this protein by growing E. coli BL21(DE3) strain for 4 hours after induction with 0,5 mM IPTG. This protein has also shown an intensive fluorescence that was needed in other project steps.
After receiving the target protein sequence and successfully cloning it into a pet29b(+) plasmid expression vector, we tested the production of recombinant protein in different strains by using various inductor concentrations and different growing times.
Even though the synthesis and purification of target proteins were successful, we saw that the concentration of these proteins is too low and inconsistent.
After we saw that we are able to purify only a very limited amount of protein, we decided to upscale biomass production as well as to prolong the growth of the proteins and purify them again after testing if they are not showing any degradation signs.
During this engineering cycle we have learned that the problem might not be related to protein solubility, but the main issue here might be that these proteins tend to bind to plastic material and for this, we needed to use fully glass coated materials in order not to lose these proteins during the purification procedure. Although we were not able to do that, after first purifications, we stored target proteins in small glass bottles in order to prevent them from binding and thus decreasing obtained concentration.
Even if the amount of biomass was higher, the purification procedure became more complicated. The need to use larger purification tubes as well as prolonged attachment to Ni-NTA phase haven't shown any impact on protein concentration. Thus, we were not able to produce high amounts of our desired proteins.
Testing domain functionality
ResearchTo test whether our system has a potential to work, we needed to test its separate domains and answer very important questions:
- 1) Do our plastic binding peptide (PBP) fusion proteins are able to bind specific plastic?
- 2) Is our cellulose binding domain attached to cellulose and has the ability to immobilize our plastic binding peptides?
- 3) Is our GFP sufficient enough to give fluorescence after our peptide is bound to a plastic molecule?
For this, we found, used or invented several different methods for separate domain testing.
Cellulose binding fusion protein binding assays
In order to test the CBD binding domain we needed to design several strategies. Since the system includes peptides, which are known to have a high affinity for plastic, there was also a need to be certain that our cellulose binding domain can be attached to cellulose.
For this, in this assay we decided to use small glass bottle columns instead of commercial tube columns (see them on Contributon).
Since we discovered that both of our domains have the ability to bind cellulose we decided to improve this assay, by using glass-coated microplates. In addition, we have also tested different CBD protein concentrations with the aim to determine the most suitable assay conditions.
We performed a cellulose binding activity test by using glass bottles with cellulose pieces inside and bacterial cell-free lysates. During this experiment we saw that our cellulose binding domain, attached to TA2 and LCI peptides, can successfully bind to cellulose-based paper.
We designed an experiment based on Miller et al. 2018 [10], to see whether our CBD has the ability to bind cellulose and measure, what is the sufficient protein amount needed to fully saturate cellulose. For this test, purified proteins were needed.
For this assay, CBD-LCI CBD-TA2 composite parts were used on a glass coated microplate to identify saturation of CBD on whatman grade 1 chromatography paper.
Although we saw the fusion protein's ability to bind cellulose, our cellulose binding domain concentration was not sufficient enough to fully saturate cellulose paper. For this, we needed to measure, at what concentration cellulose membrane satures fully with this domain in order to find at what concentration protein of interest can fully saturate cellulose.
The concentrations of all purified proteins were assessed using a bicinchoninic acid (BCA) assay, and all standards and purified samples were tested three times to obtain greater accuracy. Protein purity was defined via SDS-PAGE gel image. Unmodified Whatman grade 1 chromatography paper was used as an immobilization platform for our CBD fusion proteins immobilization assays. After immobilization, absorbance at 562 nm was measured in order to evaluate protein binding efficiency onto the cellulose membranes. The constants showed that the protein of interest is able to bind to the cellulose with high efficiency, thus allowing us to move further with the experiments.
To measure at what concentration our cellulose gets fully saturated with CBD, we decided to use a higher amount of purified protein and measure, at what point our cellulose binding domain starts showing full saturation.
To achieve this, we purified larger amounts of protein thus obtaining higher concentration of the protein. Different concentrations were used in order to see, at what point our cellulose binding domain fully saturates cellulose.
Finding points of maximum protein saturation, in our case, is one of the key points on how we can utilize cellulose for these experiments. These experiments were an important part of creating our system as a whole and proving that it might work in a relevant environment.
We performed cellulose binding domain saturation experiments according to the 2nd iteration and found out that our cellulose can be fully saturated by CBDs. We tested 8 different protein concentrations, ranging from 100µg to 10µg of total purified protein and selected the most effective one. We successfully found out what is the lowest concentration that can reach a sufficient level of saturation.
GFP bound fusion protein testing
A crucial part of our project is the peptide ability to attach to a certain plastic. Although the peptides by themselves are shown to bind to plastic, they cannot give a signal by themselves, therefore, by attaching peptides to a certain reporter protein (in our case- GFP), we are able to visualize whether fusion proteins are bound to plastic.
To test whether fusion proteins can successfully bind to plastic, we performed an experiment with a microplate, made out of polypropylene (for LCI) and polystyrene (for TA2) with our old and newly synthesized GFP-plastic binding peptide constructs.
Due to low concentrations and/or low solubility of these fusion proteins, visualization of the reaction was difficult. In order to get the specific binding, further investigation is needed with purified proteins.
The experiment was carried out with cell-free extracts and specific polymer microplates. Fusion proteins were incubated in a microplate and after several washes, fluorescence was measured at excitation. 485 nm, emission. 520 nm in order to see specific binding. Tests showed that although fluorescence is slightly bigger in the wells, containing our peptides, the result is not repeatable and reliable.
For this, we used a glass bottle experiment and our "newly made" homemade glass bottle columns (see Contribution).
The experiment was built with a new approach. Micro-sized plastic particles were incubated with bacterial cell free extracts. After the incubation and glass column centrifugation through a membrane, protein changes were visualised and evaluated via SDS-PAGE imaging.
During this experiment we learned that this invented protocol is a better solution to test peptide attachment using cell-free extracts. Microplate method requires purified proteins and glass bottle columns proved to be a better method to test interaction between plastic particles and peptides.
Glass bottles were incubated with plastic particles, cell-free extracts were used as a sample of choice because of the protein profile heterogeneity. SDS-PAGE analysis showed significant improvement from the microplate experiment. After that, a western blot technique was used with the aim to improve visualization of GFP fusion peptides.
Nanoplastic detection system using peptides
The NanoFind detection system was designed as a formation of sandwich-like complexes upon interactions between fusion peptides and plastic nanoparticles. Since we have successfully shown that all our system components work as expected and efficiently, the next step was to test the ability of our system to function as a unit, providing easy-to-interpret, light-based results.
The detection strategy will result in formation of sandwich-like complexes upon interactions between fusion peptides and plastic nanoparticles. The lower fusion peptides have an additional cellulose-binding domain which allows them to accommodate a high number of peptides on the testing surface. The upper fusion peptides are fluorescent-labelled, therefore they are able to provide an easy to interpret, light-based result.
We found unexpected results in our detection systems working principle. Questions were raised:
- 1) Is our detection system concentration dependent?
- 2) Do we need more comprehensive washing and incubation steps?
- 3) Is our nanoplastic sample good and soluble enough for our detection system to work efficiently?
- 4) How does the Fluorescence signal change when lower nanoplastic concentration samples are added?
- 5) Why does our control have a higher fluorescence than the lowest plastic dilution samples?
Testing of the detection system was done using glass coated polystyrene microplates. At the bottom of the well a round piece of Whatman paper (5.5 +- 0.5 mm) (Grade 1) was placed and CBD-peptide was immobilized on cellulose. Then, a buffer containing an aqueous colloidal dispersion of nanoplastics (nPs) was placed inside the well and incubated to bind to the immobilized proteins. After the liquid was removed, the purified GFP-peptide fusion were added to give fluorescent signals. During the experiment, we saw a couple unexpected samples, which include that our control sample had increased fluorescence, way higher than any of the nanoplastic particle dilutions. Besides that, fluorescence signals tend to decrease when nanoplastic concentration gets higher, instead of decreasing.
The design flow stayed the same as it was in the first cycle, yet we also included more steps - lower concentration of nanoplastic samples were tested with the higher ones, more comprehensive washing iterations were included, we also tested the fluorescence signal at every washing step.
- 1) Proteins and experimental design stayed the same as in the first cycle.
- 2) Higher dilution samples were included in the test.
- 3) Incubation time was increased.
- 4) Washing steps were increased and fluorescence was measured every three wash steps.
What we found out during this experiment is that our system is sensitive and can successfully detect the lowest nanoparticle concentrations in a concentration dependent manner. When calculating the system's capacity, we found out that our system can detect ~0.6-1 µg/L and less of nanoplastic concentration, meaning this system is suitable to detect nanoplastic particles in an environment, where concentrations of these particles are lower than in laboratory settings.
The test flow stayed the same after the first iteration. When testing different washing steps we saw the change in a fluorescence that was unexpected. The fluorescence, after 3 separate trials, started to increase more at a certain point than a control sample. Interestingly, lower dilution nanoplastic samples (10x, 100x, 1000x, 10000x) showed a fluorescence lower than our control sample, but dilution of 500 000x (for PP) and 750 000x (for PS) showed a signal higher than the control and even lower dilutions started to gradually decrease from that peak. What we found was our system's capacity - a point where our system starts to detect specific concentrations of nanoplastic.
Bacterial detection
OverviewDuring the development of the NanoFind detection system, we did encounter many problems, which needed creative and novel solutions. One of them was that our nanoplastic detection system might not be able to produce a signal, when nanoplastic concentrations are extremely low. To solve this, we might need a certain signal amplification system, if nanoplastics are present in the sample.
As a solution for this problem we developed an alternative way to detect nanoplastics - bacterial detection.
Our team designed a cell surface display system based on the protein of Pseudomonas aeruginosa EstA (BBa_K2694001) and added a sequence that would be identified with an antibody (BBa_K4380002), which can be used to evaluate bacterial expression of cell surface display proteins. This type of cell surface display system allows our plastic binding peptides to be expressed onto bacterial membranes.
We built our bacterial detection system with protein EstA, antibody recognised sequence and our specific plastic binding peptides (namely parts BBa_K4380019, BBa_K4380020). The system was cloned into pet29b(+) bacterial vector. At first we needed to find out if our protein is expressed on our bacterial cell membrane.
This method was not accurate enough to show us whether our protein is expressed on bacterial membrane, because in SDS-PAGE imaging the protein of interest (~30 kDa) band was overlapping with the Proteinase K (~29 kDa), that was present in the sample. Although different SDS-PAGE gel concentrations were used, bands still overlapped to each other.
We performed whole cell proteinase K assay based on findings of Nicolay et al., 2012 [12] with and without bacterial cell lysis. The method that was described in literature, should have shown us two separate bands, based on our proteins of interest domains' size: an N-terminal passenger domain and a C- terminal anchor domain (~30 and ~35 kDa in size).
To check if our system is expressed onto a bacterial membrane, the next engineering step was to use an epitope, which would be inserted into the same genetic circuit as our bacterial surface display protein. By doing this, the epitope would be expressed onto the cell surface and would be attainable by an antibody.
The experiment was performed using a FITC antibody, specifically designed for our system (NB600-525). The goal of this experiment was to evaluate if our proteins are expressed onto the membrane.
The first trials of proving our cell surface display system working principle showed unexpected results - our uninduced cells, after several attempts, produced higher fluorescence than induced cells.
We tested E. coli BL21(DE3) strain for our protein exposure onto the bacterial membrane. Several controls were used, including uninduced cells and untransformed BL21(DE3) strain cells. First, we tested the cell surface display system using a microplate reader to determine if our induced cells give out the highest fluorescence signal.
After our findings have shown that our bacterial cell surface display system cannot be evaluated by antibody binding fluorescent signal quantitative result, we decided to see whether qualitative data can prove that our system is working.
This time, the experiment included fluorescence microscopy in order to visualize our cells live in real time. This type of experiment was used to provide qualitative data over quantitative.
We learned, that fluorescence microscopy and fluorescence measurement in a microplate after incubation with antibody in all cases except for control cells proves that our cell surface display system works. Although uninduced cells emitted the most fluorescence out of all the cells, we believe this was because of nonspecific antibody binding. Thus, fluorescence due to antibody presence was evaluated as an unuseful application to evaluate bacterial presence in the sample.
For this experiment, several controls were used, including uninduced cells and untransformed BL21(DE3) strain cells. The cells were evaluated under fluorescence microscope and we saw that the cells, who were induced, were seen as the most bright. Uninduced cells, although producing a fluorescent visual, were not as bright as induced ones.
After the 3rd iteration, we found out that our system cannot be successfully controlled with induction and evaluated using antibodies. For this, we looked at alternative ways to express our system on bacterial membranes and evaluate the true fluorescence of plastic attached bacterial presence.
We built two reporter plasmids with fluorescent proteins (BBa_K4380010, BBa_K4380011 ) into the pACYC vector. This vector contained fluorescent protein and another one, pET based vector, contained cell surface protein. These two compatible plasmids were co-transformed and the fluorescence was tested.
We learned that this strategy suits our system better, because we could control it more easily and measurements are more accurate due to fluorescent protein presence.
We tested fluorescence of our newly co-transformed bacteria. Bacteria contained either mScarlet encoding plasmid or GFP encoding plasmid. Therefore, the evaluation could be successful between two different peptides. Firstly, the fluorescence of bacteria was evaluated by using a fluorescent microscope. After that, the first plasmid presence was confirmed by using antibodies, and the second plasmid presence was confirmed by changing fluorescent light and seeing mScarlet under different excitation and emission peaks.
Peptide evolution
OverviewAlthough using known peptides for a detection system already is a huge challenge in itself, we wanted to characterize novel peptides and create huge peptide libraries, which could be used for specific plastic binding in our detection system. Therefore, we decided to do a peptide evolution, specifically designed for plastic-binding peptides.
Robust directed evolution protocol enables to tailor polymer binding peptides for efficient binding to polymer plastics. The key to a successful evolution campaign is to develop mutation-prone methods to ensure efficiency in the diversity of polymer-binding peptides. For this kind of assay, a high mutation rate is needed.
To start, our team decided to test whether peptides that we were already using can successfully go through peptide evolution protocol and potentially have a higher binding affinity than the ones we already tested. Our team designed a cell surface display system, based on the protein of Pseudomonas aeruginosa EstA (BBa_K2694001). The system contained a couple of sequences, which stayed the same between the different plasmid constructs. By utilizing these sequences, and creating primers based on them, our peptide sequences can be successfully amplified by different error-prone PCR (epPCR) approaches.
We built a couple of epPCR primer sequences (BBa_K4380006, BBa_K4380007), which were used to amplify a specific peptide sequence using different epPCR techniques.
We learned that our epPCR was sufficient to produce a specific fragment with mutations. This fragment was used as a Megaprimer for the 2nd round of PCR.
We tested ep-PCR techniques, which utilized modified nucleotides and low fidelity of recombinant Taq polymerase. Different techniques were applied in order to get peptide libraries.
The method utilized for peptide library cloning into bacterial plasmid vectors was megaprimer PCR. The megaprimer method is a simple and versatile approach that can be adopted for mutation cloning into plasmid vectors. DNA template containing the mutated gene goes through the second round of PCR and can be successfully cloned into plasmid vectors.
The first round of PCR generated a fragment with the desired mutations introduced. This amplified fragment—the megaprimer—is used in the second PCR along with the remaining external primer to amplify a longer region of the template DNA.
We learned that although our megaprimers had a good amount of mutation, the technique is not suitable for this protocol. During the second round of PCR on a plasmid vector, the vector itself gets mutated because, as we believe, there are not sufficient enough methods to purify a highly mutated megaprimer.
In the end, we have decided to skip the directed evolution after the first few iterations and prioritize other aspects of the project, as the other peptides already used in the system provided a satisfactory binding. In the future, to fully optimize the detection system for potential commercial or research applications we would suggest reiterating the directed evolution approach and possibly gain even more potent binders.
We tested adopting the megaprimer PCR technique for our peptides and we were able to successfully clone our megaprimers into the plasmid vectors, containing cell surface display proteins. Peptide libraries inside bacterial cells were isolated and sent for sequencing.
Nanoplastic sample preparation
OverviewDegradation of plastic waste in the environment leads to the formation of microplastics and nanoplastics. To better understand the behavior of nanoplastics, it is essential to conduct experiments with representative and well-characterized nanoplastics. Since meeting with various experts, working in the nanoplastic research field, we have decided that in order to imitate environmental samples, we need to make our own nanoplastic samples. These nanoplastics may share similarities with environmental nanoplastics as referred to by their chemical nature and morphology. Thus, to create a system with the purpose of detecting nanoplastics in the environment, we needed to find and optimize methods for nanoplastic preparation.
According to an article by Hadri et al., 2020 [11], we have created a protocol to make nanoplastics by mechanical fragmentation of bigger plastic particles.
Bigger plastic particles needed first to be degraded by rough mechanic degradation. For this, a coffee grinder was used in a safe environment, in order to degrade plastic particles as much as possible. The particles were suspended in ethanol solution. After that, particles needed to be degraded more and for this a planetary ball mill needed to be used in order to gradually decrease plastic size. Filtration was performed with 5 µm PVDF filters with the aim to filter all of the particles, bigger than the defined size.
Signs of aggregation were seen in AFM micrographs, thus sonication is necessary each time before using samples.
Size of plastic nanoparticles was defined via atomic force microscopy (AFM). The microscopy showed that although we had successfully obtained nanoplastics, our samples were of high variability and included aggregated particles.
To be able to use samples for testing our detection tool, we needed to make aqueous dispersions of nanoplastics. The dispersions had to be stable, but also they shouldn't have contained aggregated particles.
Buffer had to be made of low salt concentration, but needed to have appropriate pH so that it would not disturb other components of the detection tool. Linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS) surfactant concentration was chosen to be below the critical micelle concentration to avoid micelle formation.
We decided that the concentration of plastics may be too high for all particles to disperse as a high amount of plastics were floating off the surface of water, furthermore, sonication was not enough to disperse particle aggregates.
We decided to find minimal surfactant concentration by adding little amounts. We mixed 0,05 g of nanoplastics with 100 ml of 5 mM Tris, 1 mM NaCl buffer and added 5 µl of LAS surfactant. Samples were sonicated to eliminate aggregation as much as possible.
In this iteration, we thought of mixing lower amounts of plastics with the same volume of buffer and adjusting the surfactant concentration as well to disperse as many plastic particles as possible. After leaving dispersions to form layers with different stability we took samples from the stable middle fraction.
To test this, we mixed 0,05 g of nanoplastics with 100 ml of 100 ml of 5 mM Tris, 1 mM NaCl buffer and added 2 µl of LAS surfactant.
The obtained results showed that our nanoplastic particles had a size variability and thus could not be measured correctly. Although measurements could not be performed with extremely high accuracy, we moved forward with our newly made plastic particles in order to test whether we can detect them.
To test whether we have successfully obtained nanoplastic particles of the correct size, dynamic light scattering (DLS) technique was performed. Samples were diluted for measurements and the hydrodynamic size of nanoplastics was measured by DLS, revealing that they were well dispersed in all cases.
During the project, multiple iterative engineering cycles (design, build, test, learn) were executed to build a reliable system. The project went through different stages, in which engineering a synthetic biology based system required ingenuity, well thought decisions and precise measurements. These principles have allowed us to successfully build our proof-of-concept nanoplastic detection system.
Final concept of the "NanoFind" detection system:
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