Chronic hepatitis caused by hepatitis infections B, C, D and other reasons can last for several decades and culminate in over 1 million deaths per year.

almost deaths every year

CHC people are receiving treatment

% of BHC people are diagnosed

% of children have access to HBV

Persistent inflammation in patients with chronic hepatitis can gradually damage the liver and eventually lead to cirrhosis, hepatic failure, and even develop into liver cancer.


Liver disease has not received enough attention.

Extreme eating preferences,
alcohol abuse and other unhealthy lifestyles can gradually damage the liver.

In about two thirds of patients, chronic hepatitis develops silently,
often without any noticeable symptoms until the cirrhosis occurs.

Nowadays, the testing for chronic hepatitis usually begins with blood tests,
measuring the levels of substances produced by the liver.
However, the procedure is tedious and expensive.

But Luckily

This year, NAU-CHINA focus on the kinds of existing problems and phenomena. We manage to conduct a household liver disease monitoring method in a cell-free system, which makes the detection easier and more convenient. The system will warn people about the risk of liver diseases and to seek medical treatment in time.


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